Published Papers
Biology - Genetics / Health Studies / Microbiology / Environmental Science

Scientific Journal
IJPRA - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Name of Scholar
Anushka Subramanian
How can stem cells improve the function of skin grafts
About the Scholar
Anushka is a student at Oberoi International School JVLR, Mumbai
Name of Mentor
Rachel Crossland
PhD in Molecular Biology - Newcastle University
BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science - Newcastle University
Skin grafting is a medical procedure in which a piece of skin is harvested from a donor site and surgically transplanted to a recipient's skin injury site. Although it seems like an ideal solution to heal and protect the injured region, it does have practical and physiological limitations. To address these challenges, 3D bioprinted skin grafts offer a potential solution to create new skin grafts, without the risks associated with extracting skin from donor sites. Three dimensional (3D) skin grafts can be created using a 3D bioprinter and a bioink, containing various cell types, including stem cells. The inclusion of stem cells can provide additional benefits, such as promoting vascularisation, and enhancing hair follicle regeneration at the graft site, ultimately improving the graft‘s long-term function and integration.
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Psychology - Neuroscience / Developmental / Cognitive / Learning & Memory

Scientific Journal
IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research
Name of Scholar
Kyna Bhandari
Impact of Watching TikTok on Memory and Attention in Adolescents
About the Scholar
Kyna is a student at Athénée De Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Name of Mentor
Emily Beswick
PhD in Psychology - University of Edinburgh
BA (Hons) in Psychology - University of Edinburgh
Due to the recent rise in popularity of short-form media, especially amongst adolescents, there is little research about its possible effects and implications. This experiment aims to explore the impact of watching TikTok, in comparison to reading, on the attention capability and memory capacity of adolescent participants. In this experiment, participants watched TikTok or read a book for 7 minutes and were then required to complete sub-tasks from The Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination Version 3 (ACE-III) focused on assessing attention and memory.
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Physics - Classical / Quantum / Superconductivity / Particle

Scientific Journal
IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Name of Scholar
Hithesh Nabiraj
Analysis of Lift & Drag w.r.t NACA 5-Digit Series Airfoils
About the Scholar
Hithesh is a student at RCIS, Karnataka, India.
Name of Mentor
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Chaturvedi
Ph.D Aerospace Engineering/Remote Sensing - UPES, Dehradun
M.S.-Ocean Engineering/ RADAR Technology - IIT Madras
This paper presents the analysis of the various aerodynamic properties like lift and drag, with respect to the following airfoils: NACA 22112, NACA 23015, NACA 23018, NACA 23021, NACA 23112, NACA 24112. The objective of this study is to explore the effects of lift and drag at various angles to find out how efficiently it can perform under a wide range of conditions. The Cd, Cl and Alpha for the NACA 5-digit series airfoils are taken from the airfoil tools website. The data is then calculated to evaluate the Cl vs Alpha, Cd vs Alpha, Cl vs Cd and Cl/Cd vs Alpha values, that is then plotted onto their respective graphs for further investigation. This shows us that there are some airfoils that have properties that allow them to perform better under conditions where other airfoils might stagger.
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Economics - Micro / Macro / Developmental / Behavioral

Scientific Journal
IJSRC - International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern
Name of Scholar
Reeyaa Ajay
Understanding Japan’s Deflation: Causes, Challenges and Policy Lessons
About the Scholar
Reeyaa is a student at St Christopher’s School, Tubli, Bahrain.
Name of Mentor
B.A., University of Essex; M.S., London School of Economics and Political Science; M.A., Virginia Tech; Ph.D., Virginia Tech
This paper examines Japan’s distinctive inflation and deflation patterns, highlighting prolonged deflation following the 1990s asset bubble collapse and exploring the systemic issues underlying this trend. Japan’s deflationary cycle, reinforced by demographic shifts, conservative spending habits, and policy limitations, has presented unique challenges that distinguish its economy from other developed nations. By analyzing historical events, monetary policies, and fiscal interventions, this study identifies key factors contributing to Japan's economic stagnation. The paper concludes by suggesting alternative strategies and offering insights that may assist policymakers worldwide in addressing deflationary pressures within an interconnected global economy.
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Psychology - Neuroscience / Developmental / Cognitive / Learning & Memory

Scientific Journal
IJSRC - International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern
Name of Scholar
Saiesha Moparthi
A Systematic Review of The Impact of Music on Attention, Mood And Driving Behavior
About the Scholar
Saiesha is a student at The Gaudium School, Hyderabad, India.
Name of Mentor
Emily Beswick
PhD in Psychology - University of Edinburgh
BA (Hons) in Psychology - University of Edinburgh
The automobile is the primary mode of transport for most families, but automobile accidents remain the leading cause of death for children and young adults. The most common cause of automobile accidents is incorrect driver action and research aims to minimize the factors that contribute to this, specifically driver aggression and inattention. Music has been shown to have an impact on driving and may be a useful tool to help mitigate these behaviors that can increase the risk of automobile accidents. The aim of this study is to systematically review and summarize the current published literature on the impact of listening to music whilst driving on the driver’s behavior, mood and attention.
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CS - AI / ML / Data Science / Quantum Computing / Blockchain / Computer Vision

Scientific Journal
IJSRST - International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
Name of Scholar
Pruthviraj Sunil Rajput
Exoplanet Detection Using Machine Learning : A Comparative Study Using Kepler Mission Data
About the Scholar
Pruthviraj is a student at Symbiosis International School, Pune, India.
Name of Mentor
Subhabrata Chaudhary
PhD in Engineering Science - University of Oxford
MSc in Computer Science - Saarland University, Germany
This work explores the application of machine learning to detect exoplanets from NASA’s Kepler mission. Our dataset comprises Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), encompassing their characteristic features and confirmed exoplanet status. We experiment with multiple supervised classification techniques including classical, tree-based, and neural methods. The best-performing model Histogram Gradient Boosting achieves a strong performance of 94.6% precision and 94.1% recall on a held-out dataset demonstrating the strong potential of integrating machine learning techniques into astronomy, potentially leading to new insights into planetary systems outside the solar system.